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earl park library - est. 1906

Read. Learn. Grow

February 5, 1906 marked the formal opening of the Earl Park Library which was five rooms on the second floor in the Hackey building at the corner of Oak and Fifth Street.

General Info

Earl Park – Richland  Township Public Library is a 1913 Carnegie library with the original structure intact. Please feel free to stop by for a tour at your convenience.

Online Book Catalog

Quick Info

Get a Library Card

Bring in two proofs of address showing residency in Richland Township. This could include a current piece of mail and a valid I.D.


There are many ways you could volunteer at your local library. Please talk to a librarian if you are interested.

Join the Library Board

Occassionally we have open positions on our Board of Trustees. Trustees are appointed by the County Commissioners (2 members), Benton Central School Corporation (3 members),  the Richland Township Advisory Board(1 member) and the Board of the Town of Earl Park 1 member).  These appointments are for a 4 year term. Board meetings are held monthly on the second Tuesday of the month.

Giving to the Library

Information Coming Soon!

Library Mission

The purpose of the Earl Park Public Library is to make available to the residents of the Earl Park/Richland Township community: library services, programs, materials and media information which are necessary to fulfill their needs. These services are open to all community citizens regardless of race, creed, or occupation. The Earl Park Public Library will strive to fulfill these obligations to its patrons in a most efficient and cost-effective manner.

The library will operate in compliance with Indiana laws, including public library law, Indiana Library Department Law and other Indiana laws that affect municipal units. The library will comply with federal laws affecting employment practices and facilities management.

The library shall be a member of ILF, ILTA, and MCLS.

Board Directory

President: LuAnne Gross

Vice President: Cherilynn Mundell

Secretary: Jane Smith

Treasurer: Mike Pavuk

Member: Eric Strasburger

Member: Lorie Mills

Member: Sara Wallpe

Library Services

Library Services

Miscellaneous Services
• Interlibrary loan
• Scanner – no charge
• Photocopies/Computer copies – $0.20 for black & white copies, $0.50 for color copies
• Fax – outgoing/Incoming  – $1.00 for the 1st page & $.50 each additional page.

• Scan – $1.00 for the 1st page & $.50 each additional page.
• Residents of surrounding areas can get a library card with the reciprocal borrowers plan
• PLAC Library Card – $70.00 for Indiana residents to use any Indiana Public Library.

Wireless Internet Connection
Earl Park – Richland Township Library offers free wireless internet access throughout the library building. It is available on an ongoing basis.

Services for Those Unable to Visit the Library  –  If you are unable to come to the library due to physical needs, we would be happy to bring items to you at your residence. If you have something you would like, call the library and ask for the item to be checked out on your account and we will drop it off at your home. If you do not have a card and would like to get one, we can bring information to you and make a library card available to you. When you are finished with your items, we will stop and be happy to pick them up and return them to the library for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How can I use the wireless internet at the library?
A. Bring your wireless-enabled device to the library and turn it on. The Username is EPPL and the password is donkey13.

Q. Is my information safe while using wireless?
a. The wireless network is not secure. Information sent to and from your wireless device may be captured by anyone else with a wireless device and the appropriate software. Your information in not protected while using wireless, unless you are connected to a webpage that uses encryption.

Q. Is the content filtered?
A. The Children’s Internet Protection Act requires the library to provide a minimum of content filtering. An explanation page appears if a web page has been blocked by this filter. If you need access to that web page for bona fide research or other lawful purposes, please ask at the circulation desk.

Q. Can I print while using wireless?
A. Yes, you may print from any wireless device but you will be charge the regular printing fees listed above.

Q. May I use the library’s electrical outlets?
A. Yes, so long as any cords do not pose a hazard to others. Do not unplug anything from outlets in use.

Q. Can the library staff help me configure my computer?
A. Sorry, we cannot. You are responsible for knowing how to operate your own equipment. No guarantee can be made that you will be able to make a wireless connection.

The library assumes no responsibility for the safety of equipment or for laptop computer or other wireless device configurations, security, or data files resulting from connection to the library’s wireless access.

Board Meeting

The Board of Trustees meet the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. The meetings are held on the main floor of the library.  Meetings are open to the public.

Staff Directory

Director: Dana Leonard
Clerk: Liz Pavuk 



1. Residents and property owners of Earl Park/Richland Township that are 5 years old or older may hold an Earl Park Library Card.  A proof of residency and proper application are required to hold a library card.

2. Earl Park patrons may borrow books free from other area libraries through our membership in the Statewide Reciprocal Agreement Program.

3. Books are loaned for 2 week periods, periodicals for 1 week. Inter-library loan books are loaned for a 3 week period.  No overdue fees are collected.

4. Children are limited to 3 books, except during the summer reading program.

5. The librarian is to determine the age appropriateness of juvenile library materials. When in question the parent is to decide.  Age appropriate messages are attached to all YA materials. Staff is to consult with librarian or parent.

6. The books in the YA section of the library are clearly marked with age appropriateness on top front inside cover and have a computerized message attached to the book upon check out.

7. Books on the reserved list cannot be renewed. Special renewal circumstances will be left to the discretion of the Librarian.

8. Certain books and materials, designated as NON-CIRCULATING or KEY REFERENCE, may not be removed from the Library on loan.

9. Children under l6 wishing to check out books from the adult section of the Library must have a signed Adult Permission Slip on file.

10. Preschool children must be accompanied by another person l3 or older, except for planned library activities. Minimum age for children attending special activities is 4 years.

11. Patrons will be notified 30 days after the due date if a book has not been returned, and will be given an additional 30 days to locate the book before being required to pay replacement cost for the book.

12. Library service will be suspended if books are not returned in 60 days. Patrons will be reinstated when the book is returned or paid for.  Membership will also be suspended for willful destruction of Library property or improper language or conduct within the Library or on Library property.




1. An Earl Park-Richland Twp. Public Library card holder is in good standing with the library, he or she may have access to the complete set of DVDs and video cassettes.

2. Limit: 1 DVD per person under the age of 1 and  4 DVD’s per person over the age of 18, if in good lending standards.

3. Ratings: Rated G can be loaned to any age.  Rated PG can be loaned to any age.  Rated PG-13 can be loaned to anyone age 13 and over.  Rated R can be loaned to anyone age 18 and over

***   DVD has to be checked out by the physical age appropriated person on their  own account.

4. Loan Period: 1 week

5. If the DVD has not been returned within 3 weeks, which is 2 weeks overdue, the patron will be charged a Non-Return Fee of $15 or replacement cost and the patron will lose DVD privileges until fee is paid.

6. All DVDs on a library card remain the responsibility of the card holder. A patron will be charged replacement cost if the DVD is damaged or cannot be returned.

7.  Patrons may not loan a DVD to anyone else for any reason whatsoever.

8. All DVDs copyrighted. DVDs are for private home viewing; no duplication can be made.

9. The library assumes no liability whatsoever which could result from the use of its DVDs

10. Patron is responsible for the proper care of the DVD which includes:

A.  Only touching the corners of the DVD.

B. Keeping the DVD at room temperature (never play a cold DVD.)

C. Keeping the DVD away from strong sunlight, heat, and anything that generates a magnetic field (vacuum cleaners, stereo equipment, motors, etc.)

D. Store DVDs in their dust jackets, vertically, and not on top of DVD player.

11. This DVD Lending Policy Sheet must be signed at the circulation desk in the presence of a library employee.  By signing the DVD Lending Policy Sheet, you are acknowledging that you understand and agree to adhere to the above regulations.


Internet Use

Patrons must agree to terms of the Earl Park Library Acceptable Use Policy in order to use Internet workstations or computers.

Computers may be used by anyone with an Earl Park Public Library card or valid identification.  Personal identification for non-patrons will be copied by staff and attached to the log-in sheet.  Limits and age restrictions are detailed below.

Since the Internet is a global electronic network, the Internet and the World Wide Web may contain material of a controversial nature.  Although filters have been installed, we cannot ensure offensive information will not be available to users.  Also, the library cannot ensure that information found on the Internet is accurate, complete, or current.  Users need to question the accuracy of information found on-line.

Primary use of the Internet will be for educational information and research.  All licensing agreements and copyright laws will be obeyed. Social networking will be allowed subject to the discretion of parents and the staff of the Earl Park Public Library.

No information shall be downloaded to the library hard drive.  Patrons’ personal flash drives may be used for storing information or information may be printed for patron use.  Printed copies are 10 cents for black and white or 50 cents for color per page.

Time Limits:

In order to maximize the availability of the computers to all users, time limits will be imposed on the use of computer resources.  An adult patron those 18 and older may have four 30 minute sessions for a total of 120 minutes if there are available computers.  Juvenile patrons ages 10-17 may have two thirty minute sessions for a total of 60 minutes.  All Juvenile scheduling sessions on the Internet will be for 30 minutes if another patron is waiting to use the computer.  Patrons can reserve the Internet for 30 minute sessions.  Reservations will be accepted by phone or in person for up to a week in advance.  If a patron is more than 10 minutes late, the reservation will be cancelled and waiting patrons may use the computer.  In addition, the late patron’s name will be added to a NO-SHOW list kept in back of the sign-in sheets.  After two no-shows that patron may not place further reservations.  Unless a reservation was made for Internet use, a patron has 10 minutes to complete his/her use if someone has notified the desk that he/she is waiting to go on-line.  Only 2 people may be present at the workstations at one time.

Use of the computers and Internet at the Library is a privilege that requires users to be civil, courteous and lawful.  The privilege may be revoked by the Library staff for abusive or disruptive behavior.  Such behavior includes, but is not limited to, disrupting the system, posting illegal information, using obscene, demeaning or threatening language verbally or electronically, or using Internet functions not permitted by this policy. Email accounts may be accessed for nationally recognized email providers.  No attempts to hack other computers or any other illegal activity are allowed.  If a patron is observed intentionally violating Internet/computer privileges:

  1. Verbal warning will be given and patron will be asked to cease using the workstation for the remainder of the day
  2. Second warning will result in loss of computer/internet privileges for one week
  3. Third warning will result in loss of computer/internet privileges for six months
  4. Fourth warning will result in permanent loss of computer/internet privileges

Minors may not enter any personal information that can be used to identify themselves unless approved and signed off on by parents or guardian.  Permission forms must be signed in person at the library.

Children 17 and under need to have a waiver signed by parent/guardian for the library to keep on file.

The Earl Park Public Library assumes no responsibility for any damages – direct or indirect – arising from use of its connection to Internet services.  Patrons must sign a Limitation of Liability agreement before use of computers or Internet is allowed.

All Internet access is monitored and logged.

 Patrons cannot install software on Library computers.

Patrons are on there own when using the software.  Library staff is not required to assist with word processing or spreadsheet problems.

Hardware problems should be reported to the staff at the circulation desk.  Staff only will reboot the system if necessary.  Problems cannot always be addressed at the time the problem occurs.

The Library accepts no responsibility for damage to a patron’s files or computers form viruses that may have come from this public computer.

Patrons must sign-in and sign-out on provided sheets.

A copy of these guidelines will be given to first time computer users.

A copy of these guidelines will be posted near the computer.


Overdue Movie                                          

If a movie is 3 Weeks overdue the patron will pay a nonreturnFee of $15 or replacement cost of DVD

Overdue Books         

No overdue fines

Lost/Damaged Library Materials                

  Any item lost or damaged will be charged to the patron based on the replacement cost of the item and any additional processing expense.


Reserve Meeting Room

1. The meeting rooms are available free of charge. Donations are accepted. However, if library staff is required, there will be a fee of $10 per hour. There will also be a fee of $300 for unreturned keys. There will be a deposit of $50, which will be returned if the rooms are cleaned and returned back to their original state.
2. The meeting room is available for use during normal library hours. Meetings at other times require special arrangements with the Director and/or Library Board of Trustees.
3. The room will accommodate (53) people when using tables and (70) people when using only chairs. Renters are responsible for setting up chairs and tables and restoring the room to its original condition.
4. Tentative reservations for the room may be made by phone or in person, however, within (2) days, a responsible adult must come to the library with the required proof of Insurance. And to read the meeting room policy and fill out and sign a Meeting Room Request Form.
5. Confirmation of a reservation will be given when all of the above is completed.
6. The person who signs the reservation form shall be held financially responsible for any damage or loss to the library building, its contents and library grounds. Abuse of the facilities will be sufficient cause to deny further use of the building.
7. Reservations are on a first come, first served basis. Meetings may be scheduled up to 12 months in advance. Generally, groups may not use a meeting room more than once a week. Exceptions may be granted for a two or three-day workshop with the approval of the Library Director.
8. The number of people in attendance at each meeting shall be recorded on the attendance sheet provided by the library. It is the responsibility of those using the room to see that this is recorded on the sheet.
9. When using the meeting room after hours, a basement key must be obtained during regular library hours one day in advance of the meeting. Doors must be locked after the meeting, and the keys deposited in the book drop immediately after lock up.
10. Any renter using the meeting room may also reserve any of the following audio/visual equipment: television, VCR and DVD player. These media items need to be requested at least 48 hours in advance to be sure of availability, however, Library programs will have priority.
Kitchen and Food Rules
1. The kitchen will be available for use but must be cleaned and left in the original condition or the group may be subject to the $50 Damage/Disorder fee.
2. All trash is to be bagged and removed.
3. Renters accept full responsibility for any food or beverage damage to library property.
4. Food and drinks are only allowed in the meeting room and kitchen.
5. All food and beverages brought in are to be taken at the end of the event.
6. Renter must provide their own paper products, utensils, condiments, and trash bags.
7. The library does not provide supplies for non-library sponsored events.
8. No alcoholic beverages are permitted
Meeting Room Rules
1. There will be no playing on steps inside or outside the library.
2. There will be no one allowed upstairs. If you are here to attend an activity held in the meeting room you are to stay in the basement.
3. No exhibit of a product or service to potential buyers or users may take place on library property without prior approval of the Library Director.
4. An admission fee may not be charged for any meeting or program held in the rooms. However, a fee may be charged to cover the actual cost of materials used during the meeting.
5. The library reserves the right to approve any advertising or publicity for an event taking place on library property.
6. Items may not be affixed to walls, ceilings, or any library property.
7. Glitter is not allowed in the meeting room.
8. Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the library, including the restrooms. Open flames such as candles are also not allowed.
9. Children and teens using a meeting room must be supervised by the adults supervising the activity. If children are brought to adult meetings, the accompanying adult is responsible for the children’s behavior throughout the building. If children create a disturbance in the library, they will be required to stay with the adult in the meeting room.
10. Excessive noise and rowdiness are strictly prohibited.
11. Meeting room use must not disrupt other library patrons.
12. The library assumes no responsibility for the personal belongings of those attending meetings. Personal items may not be left in meeting rooms between reservations
13. An individual reserving the room for an organization shall accept financial responsibility for any damage to the library property incurred during a meeting or in connection with their use of the facilities.
14. After each meeting, the users shall restore the room to its original, clean, and orderly condition. No storage is available in the meeting room. All food and drink items must be removed after each meeting.
15. Renters are responsible for the arrangement of furniture and the return to its former position. This includes turning off all lights and equipment, including those used in the restrooms.
16. Renters using the rooms will be charged for extraordinary needs (e.g. extra janitorial services, extra library personnel, or security) associated with an event to be held on library property. The cost will be the same as that incurred by the library.
17. We will have a Clean up Check List for your convenience.

Granting permission for the use of the meeting rooms does not imply library approval of the group or the ideas presented at the meeting. Any publicity promoting a meeting shall not imply that the library is a sponsor of the event.

About Us

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About Us

Items listed here are things we would like for the library. If you would like to donate the item please choose from the list below. We will also accept money toward purchasing items for the library. You may also donate in memorial for a friend or loved one. If you have more questions, just contact one of the Library Staff.


Children’s Holiday Books:

Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, etc.

The Bridgerton series by Julia Quinn

Audio Books.


coming soon!

The Book of Lost Friends – Lisa Wingate

Firefly Lane – Kristin Hannah

The Giver of Stars – Jojo Moyes

Beating Around the Bush – M.C. Beaton

The German Heiress – Anika Scott


Library History

February 5, 1906 marked the formal opening of the Earl Park Library which was five rooms on the second floor in the Hackley building (now vacant lot) at the corner of Oak and Fifth street. The first library was organized by Mrs. Charles B. Stuart, daughter of Adams Earl, with the help of Mrs. J. (Joseph) S. Vanatta, Mrs. H. J. Caldwell, Mrs. G.H. Hart, and Miss Stella Washburn. When the library opened with Miss Sims, from Delphi at librarian, over 400 books had been donated. When Mrs. Stuart tired of the library, she donated the library to the town.

Read Full History

February 5, 1906 marked the formal opening of the Earl Park Library which was five rooms on the second floor in the Hackley building (now vacant lot) at the corner of Oak and Fifth street. The first library was organized by Mrs. Charles B. Stuart, daughter of Adams Earl, with the help of Mrs. J. (Joseph) S. Vanatta, Mrs. H. J. Caldwell, Mrs. G.H. Hart, and Miss Stella Washburn. When the library opened with Miss Sims, from Delphi at librarian, over 400 books had been donated. When Mrs. Stuart tired of the library, she donated the library to the town.

As early as 1907, letters were being written to Mr. Carnegie concerning a new building. He agreed to consider our claim to ta building donation if the township would unite with the town in the library tax. The township advisory board was hostile to levying this library tax and the library board had to show that one tenth of the families living in the township outside of town used the library; when the library board could do this, the township advisory board would be forced to levy the tax. Mrs. Vanatta and Mrs. George Hart collected twice the number of names required. Mrs. Vanatta contacted the Indiana State Library on many occasions in the early times of the library and in 1910 Richland Township was first taxed.

In November 1911, a letter was received from Mr. Carnegie stating he would give us $7,500 for a building. On March 30, 1912, lots 127-8-9 on the corner of Elm and Fifth Street in Earl Park were purchased from Kathryn A. Horney for $1,500, for ground for a new library. The following trustees were on the board at that time: Abigail H. Hart, Mellie T. Vanatta, James R. Barr, John F. Avert, John Flinn, Sherm N. Geary and John L> Bond.

The new Carnegie library at Earl Park was opened informally March 23, 1914. The building, of which Grant C Miller was the architect, was erected at the cost of $7,500 and was one of the best small library buildings in the state.

The library had 800 books before moving, but afterwards many books were donated and within two to three months, they had over 1,300 books on the shelves. Now the library has a collection of well over 20,000 books after 108 years.

The first library board to serve in the new building were President, James R. Barr; Vice President ,John Flinn; Treasurer, Mrs. G. H. Hart; Secretary, Mrs. J. S. Vanatta; Mrs. J. W. HcHaan and Mr. W. C. Ditton.

The following have been librarians of the Earl Park Public Library: Miss Mary Sims, Miss Mabel Bonnell, Miss Zada M. Carr, Anna E. Whybrow, Miss Alta Wright, Miss Myrtle Timothy, Mrs. Ida B. Cockrum, Miss Sanna Deniston, Mrs. Mary Talbot, Miss Kathryn Yeager, Miss Margaret Ebel Mrs. Beulah Berglas, Mrs. Retha Allen, Mrs. Donna Vance, Mrs. Amia Fleming, Mrs. Beulah Berglas, Mrs. Terry Hoover, Mrs. Sandra Brigando, and Miss Sharon Gorman, and Mrs. Connie Sparenberg. Mrs. Wendy Davis is the librarian at present. During the twenty years that Miss Sanna Deniston served as librarian, it was reported the Earl Park Public Library had the greatest circulation of any library in the county. In 1980 the Indiana State Library said we had the best collection of Pearl Buck books in the state.

Through the years the building has been kept in good repair and improvements have been made installing fluorescent lighting, new shelving, and carpeting. For years flooding in the basement was a problem after heavy snows or rains. When the Earl Park Lions Club was formed in 1984, they decided to meet in the library basement. They reworked the basement drains to accommodate a sump pump in the basement. They also paneled the large basement room and installed a kitchen area in the small room where magazines had been stored (cabinets courtesy of the Caldwell Spiker house that was being torn down). Magazines were moved to shelving in the old coal storage area. They provided additional shelving for the adult reading room. The library was air-conditioned in the 1980’s. Carpeting in the main library was replaced in 2009-2010. Shelving was removed from the center of the juvenile area and put in adult section (now hold DVDs); now books in juvenile area are on outside walls only with the center area of the children’s section being used for exercise with a Wi program, TV, and children’s programs.

The Earl Park Senior Citizens group paid for installation of a telephone at the library in 1986. A drop box for books was acquired in 2005. A Friends Group was established in 2005 with a donation from the Earl Park Fall Festival.

In 1975 the Library Improvement Reserve Fund (LIRF Fund) was established to allow money to build up to make capital improvements for the library. This and a budget appeal allowed by the state to receive extra tax money for a year allowed the library to replace the old coal/oil/gas furnace in 1990 and also replace our leaking tile roof with shingles. In 2011 the shingle roof was replaced by a metal roof thru insurance claim of hail damage. In 2010, a grant from Benton Community Foundation grant paid for outside brick repair, tuck pointing, and sealing the mortar and brick. In 2013 a grant from Benton Community Foundation made it possible to redo the basement; paneling and kitchen walls were removed and new plaster walls, 5 new windows put in (two windows bricked up in meeting room), and we reworked the drop down ceiling in meeting room and purchased new tiles. The Friends Group purchased blinds for the big meeting room.

We received our first computer in the fall of 1996 from an Indiana State Basic Technology Grant (shortly after receiving the computer, the mother board failed). In 1998 we received a dial-up Internet access grant from the state so that we could have access to the Internet. At first the librarian did Internet research for patrons.

We joined a local consortium computer repair group to get lowered computer repair rates and Michael Park Hunter Interactive was the computer repair person for Lafayette and area libraries until 2005. He made regular rounds to make sure things were working and update programs. He installed a LAN system in 2000 so that all computers in the library could work on the same system (share printer and Internet connections). Extensive rewiring was necessary and our old fuse box was replaced during the rewiring. In 2001 we received a Gates Computer from the Indiana State library which gave patrons access to a computer with games for children and they could do Internet research and homework for schools on the computers. Our newest 3 public access computers were donated to us by Fowler Ridge Wind Farm.

Other grants we have received: 2003 Benton Community Foundation Grant to all county libraries for purchase of large print books (these books were circulated among all county libraries until all libraries had had them for four months); 2004 Libri Foundation grant for purchase of 65 Caldecott, Newberry, Young Hoosier books, and Accelerated Reading books; 1998 Indiana INCOLSA grant to begin retrospective conversion (MARC records) of card catalog (this grant allowed purchase of a computer to begin conversion and due to the fact that Brodart had problems with their updated Precision One system to make electronic records at this time, we purchased Books Systems eZcat Pro to begin conversion of our card catalog). At present Mandarin 3 is used to make our MARC records from Library of Congress and we purchase MARC records from Baker and Taylor.

In 2001 the state allowed the establishment of a rainy Day Fund (monies that had not been spent from the previous year’s budget could be put in this fund for unseen operating fund expenditures that could not be funded from the currents year’s budget).



Library Hours


Sunday Closed

Monday 10-5 pm

Tuesday 11-6 pm

Wednesday 10-5 pm

Thursday Closed

Friday Closed

Saturday 9-1




102 East 5th Street
Earl Park, IN 47942

Contact Librarian

 Director: Dana Leonard

Clerk:  Liz Pavuk and Sydney Ishmiel

Earl Park Richland Township Public Library
PO Box 97, Earl Park IN 47942


Contact a Librarian Now

Contact Librarian

 Director: Dana Leonard

Clerk:  Liz Pavuk and Ellie Strasburger

Earl Park Richland Township Public Library
PO Box 97, Earl Park IN 47942


Contact a Librarian Now

Our Library

February 5, 1906 (current building was established in 1914) marked the formal opening of the Earl Park Library which was five rooms on the second floor in the Hackey building at the corner of Oak and Fifth Street.

Photo Credit: Chris Light

Creative Commons license



What Patrons are Saying

“The computers are very useful and the public WiFi is a great resource. Finding books to read is never a problem.”

“Our library is a great place to study. I have used it as a quiet place to learn more about my school work”

“I never miss the summer reading program. It’s a great way to meet people from town.”

items for loan

Events & Programs

Hours Open Each Week

Year Established